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        The Heavenly Herald  
1465 Pipestone Rd, Benton Harbor, MI 49022   
Tel: 269-925-1843 - Email:
Bill Bridgman, Pastor

You Can Go Home Again                                                                                               September 2022

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Thoughts from Pastor Bill - September 2022

God has a purpose for us that reaches beyond what we can imagine. Even if we dream up great things we can do in life, His purpose is greater. That’s because it’s His purpose, not ours, that will be accomplished. His purpose is bigger than ours, and it will stand firm no matter what happens to us.

Psalm 138:8 (ESV) says: “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” This verse tells us that God has a purpose for our lives, and He will accomplish it. Because His love endures forever, we can trust that He will never abandon His work in our lives

Have you heard this before? “God never calls the equipped; He equips the called.” That does seem to be true when you look back at church history and in the Bible. Often, it’s the last person you’d ever expect to end up as a giant in the faith. Never underestimate anyone because God can work through anybody He chooses. And when He chooses, He will equip and He will enable!

When you accept responsibility for your life and start moving in the direction of your heart’s passion, you will see purpose unfold. You will feel the joy that is born in your everyday life when you can use what you have experienced to give a guiding light to another in a similar situation. 

Be the light in someone else’s darkness. Shine the hope that love, peace and blessing live and thrive in the world today. 


Pastor Bill

Who's Who


Norma Bruns

This Months Who’s Who is Norma Burns. Norma first began attending church when she was only three at the German Church of God. She began attending our church seventy years ago and has been a dedicated member since. Norma has helped with funeral dinners and decorating the church. As well as, taking lily and poinsettia orders and arranging plants for both the Easter and Christmas celebrations. She was the Treasurer for the WCG for over forty years. Norma was married for fifty-six years to her loving husband and raised two daughters in the church. Prior to having children, though, she worked for the phone company, but became a stay-at-home mom and wife afterwards. She is always happy to help out and talk to anyone which is why it shocked us when she told us she’s somewhat an introvert. Norma is such a blessing to this church and our congregation and we’re so thankful to have her here.

The Church’s Monthly Meetings

We had an Elders, Finance & Property meeting Thursday September 8th at 6PM. It was a good meeting. We got the budget started for 2022-2023. Anyone that would like to help with the budget please see Nina. We will have a meeting on September 19th at 6PM to work on the budget. The annual business meeting is on October 2nd following service. Please plan to be there. Bridges has upgraded the electric box downstairs and it has passed inspection. Bridges is now working on cleaning all the windows downstairs and changing the window blinds. Some of the work has been done already. We are always looking for Elders and board members to help. If interested please see a member of the elders, finance & property team.


 What Can We Do For God

What can you do for God? If you are asking this question then you are like most of us. What we as a church can do for God is to spread the Good News. That is the most important thing we can do for God. How you may ask? Well everyone is different and in being different we have the ability to do it in different ways. First thing to do is pray about it. Ask God what he wants you to do. Have that one on one time with God. You may be surprised by what comes from it. If you still have questions, ask our pastor to talk to you. He knows you and can guide you in the right direction. We all have a reason for being here. What is it that you are meant to do? For years I searched for My purpose. I questioned what I was meant to do. I did not know where I was going and then, the answers came. Not how I would have thought. Not what I would have done. However, the questions I had were answered. Then I heard something else. Ask God to expand your territory? I thought I would have to be crazy to do that. I thought it was insane. I did not have time for more things on my plate. Oh how I was wrong. God’s plan for me was not my plan for me. I had found my purpose though. I feel whole with God leading. So I would tell you to pray and listen to what God has for you.

By Nina 

September  Birthdays                                  September  Anniversaries        


13th  Norma Burns Mailbox 8                                          9th Bob & Cheryl Cobe   Mailbox 13    

14th  Andrew Cobe  Mailbox 13

October Newsletter deadline Tuesday September, 27th

If you have info for the Newsletter please contact Nina Borr at the Church Office Tuesday-Thursday 8:00-12:00

Office Number269-925-1843 Thanks 

Current Elders

Worship – 

Education – Sue Dubar

Outreach – Suzon Pearson

Property and Finance –Donna Conner 

Property and Finance Team- Fred Brown, Richard Fanslau,

Jim Rogers

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